Debit Cards and Debit Card Protection
The Five Star Bank Debit Card combines paper checks and an ATM card, then adds the buying power of the VISA symbol. Five Star Bank’s Debit Card allows you to make fast, secure purchases online or over the phone and withdraw cash at any Five Star Bank ATM or thousands of (Network) ATMs worldwide. Purchases made with your Five Star Bank Debit Card are directly debited from your checking account.
MyCard Rules Mobile App
We are pleased to offer the MyCard Rules Mobile App – a smart, easy and FREE way to protect your account from fraud. This will give you the ability to access your debit card through the app. Some of the features include:
- Turning the card on and off
- Creating location controls
- Setting merchant controls
- Setting transaction type controls
- Setting spending limits
- Shared cards: Manage controls and alerts for shared cards
- View transactions
- Locate an ATM
Debit Card Support
For debit card support during Five Star Bank's business hours (Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM), call 1-800-416-6117.
For after-hours support, contact your Business Development Officer or Relationship Manager.
For lost or stolen cards, call 1-888-297-3416.
To report unauthorized charges on your card, call 1-800-237-8990.